Alternative Credit


LexisNexis RiskView Solutions deliver deeper, holistic insights into critical consumer behaviors to help businesses better evaluate a consumer’s stability, ability and willingness to repay. It leverages the industry’s largest collection of public records and other alternative credit data sources to augment credit data with a unique and powerful view on the creditworthiness of a consumer. RiskView can effectively evaluate the creditworthiness of over 40 million consumers with little or no credit history, creating vast new markets for lenders to effectively serve.API Reference >
LexisNexis RiskView Solutions deliver deeper, holistic insights into critical consumer behaviors to help businesses better evaluate a consumer’s stability, ability and willingness to repay. It leverages the industry’s largest collection of public records and other alternative credit data sources to augment credit data with a unique and powerful view on the creditworthiness of a consumer. RiskView can effectively evaluate the creditworthiness of over 40 million consumers with little or no credit history, creating vast new markets for lenders to effectively serve. This endpoint returns raw data and PDF formats.API Reference >
LexisNexis RiskView Solutions deliver deeper, holistic insights into critical consumer behaviors to help businesses better evaluate a consumer’s stability, ability and willingness to repay. It leverages the industry’s largest collection of public records and other alternative credit data sources to augment credit data with a unique and powerful view on the creditworthiness of a consumer. RiskView can effectively evaluate the creditworthiness of over 40 million consumers with little or no credit history, creating vast new markets for lenders to effectively serve. This endpoint returns raw data and PDF formats.API Reference >